Customized Analysis Report / Report Table
  Report Table is for you to key in external reference information about the analysis to be included in the analysis report and also for future reference. The Front section and the Rear section of the Report Table are for you to key in additional reference information pertaining to the analysis for future reference. Examples of such reference information are Name of client, Date of sample, Name of operator, Method of sampling, Problems encountered and remedial actions taken and Conclusion etc. Such information would be permanently stored as part of the chromatogram file and is readily available for your viewing every time you revisit the file.

  ◇You will recall, of course, that all the working elements of an analysis are permanently stored in one source document entitled "Chromatogram File". It is this structure that enables us to generate the analysis report to be inclusive of not only the chromatogram, but also the results of the calculations as well as the reference information which you had keyed in. This is in compliance with the standards of GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) requirements.
◇The analysis report can be printed in Microsoft Words or WordPad. This Report preview function is for you to pre-view the report before printing. This batch printing command is for you to print a few analysis reports in one go.

  Please refer to the following diagram for the format of a typical analysis report. Apart from the reference information that can be keyed in the Front Section and Rear Section of the Report Table, you are also given the option to include or exclude certain calculated results in the analysis report. Thus, you have the flexibility to customize a report format that best suit your need.